Wednesday, 22 October 2008

You’ve got mail....unfortunately

So Ringo Starr has asked fans to stop sending him mail. Fair enough really but the video he posted was a bit much. He resembles an embarassing Dad who's just found out how to use a webcam/the internet, unwittingly embarassing himself and others in the process. Check out his use of the zoom at the beginning.

In his message he warns us that any mail sent with a date after the 20th of October will be "tossed" in which case i intend to mail a jiffi bag of salad on the 21st.

If only it were that simple to avoid your letterbox being violated. I'd have no qualms about posting a similar video if it ruled out any repeat chance of receiving what i did in January this year. It haunts me to this day and remains the single most offensive peice of mail i've ever had the misfortune of receiving.

On the 15th of said month i "celebrated" 22 years of relative tedium. However 3 days later i woke to find a flyer lying on the doormat which raped my eyes and sent waves of embarassment throughout my body.


Fortunately i was spared the further humiliation of my parents, or anyone else for that matter picking up the mail and thinking i was part responsible for its arrival.

I dont know how these companies get your details but there should be laws to stop them creating things like this.

It pretty much speaks for itself, though i feel i deserve the last word and such is my irritation im unable to peice the sentences together properly.

* "Back with a vengeance" i'm not aware of where i was supposed to have even gone. Though i suppose for the sake of the whole FHM vibe it was probably Aiya Napa or some other typical haven for bell ends who like "having a laugh" with "the laaads".

* The reverse was littered with embarassing offers including promises of free birthday cake and "celeb treatment" all night - It'd be a true mark of how tragically empty your life had become if you thought that sounded appealing.

* I hate the WKD adverts with a passion, so why would i walk into a live 3 hour version of one?

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