Sunday, 28 February 2010

That difficult second blog....

sHOULD OF PROBABLY TITLED THIS "sUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY" christ caps lock. I'm not stopping and changing that now.

Anyway. Sundays have became ridiculous the last few years. Because my job is so dull i frequently find myself drinking to excess on a sunday and later crying into a pot noodle. Desperately clinging on to the weekend. It's so depressing to know you're only a few hours away from saying a million fake "good mornings" and sitting through 8 hours of pure tedium.

Despite this i'm in good spirits at present. A cup of tea and "Jammie" wagon wheel have sorted me out. I do however wish i could change career but don't believe that i'm talented enough in a field which i'm interested in. Sad times for Michael. My pension forecast reckons i can retire at about 67 or something crackers. That's like 43 years off. Mint.

Anyway, hmm i've used "anyway" already but nevermind. I will go to bed a relatively happy man. I have a few good things to look forward to and have had a decent night.

Ever the intellectual i've discussed some pressing issues with my friends this evening. These included if you get turned on looking at pictures of yourself as a kid does it make you a nonce? does it? I can't remember the consensus on this one. We also looked at the merits of cloning In animals and humans. Does a clone count as a proper being? If you cloned a human and then blew it's brains out 5 seconds after it's carnation would you be up for murder? Also if you bummed a cloned sheep would you get "done" for beastiality? They cloned a sheep didn't they? So we could try this one out. If you kept 100 dogs in the loft and punched them in the head each day you'd be jailed for animal cruelty but if the dogs were cloned would it count? Who knows? Who cares?


Starting again...

I've decided to start blogging again. I stopped in April last year. It's not as if i'm back by popular demand or anything. It's purely out of boredom.

Indeed i've been sat watching a clip of Eastenders' Max Branning being sick on a loop for 10 minutes. Laughing to the point of tears and then starting to worry if i'm going insane. Not least because i did the exact same yesterday.

I used to just write on "myspace" about stuff that irritated me. It was nice to rant about irritating everyday occurances and lash out at the idiocy of the general public. I think i intend to do the same with this but may mix it up a bit and throw in some other stuff. The very reason i stopped was because i realised i'd typed a 1,500 word rant about over-rated "singing sensation" Susan Boyle (now hilariously referred to as "Subo") and her cretinous fans. It became too much of a chore and at the time there was just so much to get irritated about....not that anythings really changed.

It's hard to know what to be writing, especially when it's more than likely that nobody will see it. I could keep typing tits and ass tits and ass TIT$ & A$$ doesnt matter nobodys looking. I think we'll have to see. It wont be an online diary though.

I think that'll do for now. I'm pleased to have got this far. Usually the inconvenience of having to sign up for shit and think of more passwords would of had me reaching for the nearest noose so this is an achievement of sorts. It's good to be back.....