Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Space Invader On The Apprentice

Sent another letter to the BBC.

I keep missing The Apprentice cos it clashes with 5 a side. That's easily solved with iplayer. The only problem is that sometimes the only version available is one with a woman taking up half the screen doing sign language. Fair enough if they'd at least give us the option.

As if she needs all that room. They've added a 4 inch border yet for some reason she still wont stand in the corner. I only continued watching on the off chance that it was part of a gag which saw Lord Sugar sack her at the end....It wasn't to be.

Here's a picture of Lord Sugar i did on paint. The spray can is perfect for his stubble.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Why do so many people have a problem with Seal clubbing?

If that's how he likes to unwind then good on him.

Friday, 6 May 2011

TV shows that probably wont ever happen

Faecal Matters - An excrement based talk show.

An episode of Myth busters where the team go round finding people wearing massive shoes then proceeding to pull their trousers down and document the size of their genitals.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Performing another U-Turn

I've finally cracked and signed up to Twitter. I'd dismissed the idea originally purely down to my hatred of words like "tweet", "tweeps" & "twitfam"

It's unavoidable though. Lazy journalism means that most news items today include quotes from someones twitter page. I found myself referring to the site too often so decided it'd be easier to just swallow my pride and sign up.

I've ended up spending ages on there. Trawling through "tweets" like a sad internet tit. Hopefully the novelty will wear off soon. Also, rather childishly i've fallen into the habit of baiting celebrities even though it's highly unlikely they will ever read the posts. Here's one on Mr Twitter himself...

My profile has become something of an embarassment. I've become a victim of my own shit craic and can't seem to stop celeb bashing....for some reason under the guise of a Man City fan on smack. Which pretty much undermines any attempts at posting a serious "tweet"

I lost a follower as well the other day. That cracked me up.

Anyway that's enough for now. So long Tweeps!