Wednesday, 3 March 2010

National chlamydia screening programme

Upon returning from work today i was greeted by a mystery package awaiting on the cabinet. Not my DVD's...wrong shape. Hmm what could it be?

Yahhey, a letter from the NHS!.....informing me that I'm in the privileged position of being aged 20-24 and therefore entitled to some shit boxer shorts and a handful of Johnnys if i fill a jar with piss and send it back. Actually my wording there wouldnt look out of place in their flyers.

Indeed the text is dumbed down to an embarassing degree.....

"You will be asked to give a urine (wee) sample"

"women can take a swab from the lower vagina (a cotton bud is used to wipe the area)"

"may cause infertility (being unable to have kids)"

"painful testicles (balls)"

I'm not sure if it's the government trying to be all hip or whether they think people are really that stupid and are genuinely baffled by the word "Testicles" etc

It's probably a bit of both.......or rather, a lot of both.

The sad truth is people probably are that stupid and it's insulting to be tarred with the same brush. Why not just leave them to go infirtile? (be unable to have children) and spare us another generation of slack jawed fuckwits.

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