Thursday 30 December 2010

Yule blog

It's strange how in the space of 9 hours you can go from the lows of being sick outside your local, dressed as santa and clutching a Heron frozen foods bag to the highs of spotting the Mickey Rourke lookalike on your street and finally getting a decent snap.

Another Normanby lookalike chalked off. Merry Christmas!

Christmas TV was appaling. Eastenders shouldn't exist. Not once has there been a storyline with even a hint of optimism. And why do the BBC feel it's now a necessity to have a Royle family christmas special each year? It's not funny. The formula has been done to death.


...anyone who has developed a thing for Stacey Solomon, just think about this...

Neil off the Inbetweeners. Both in manner and appearance.

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