Monday, 7 February 2011

A Few Issues With The Postman Pat Specsavers Advert

It might seem like nitpicking but i've got a few gripes...

In the opening scene Pat gets in his Van and sits on his glasses, breaking them. Why wasn't he wearing them in the first place?

He appears far from concerned about the dangers of driving with impaired vision. Shrugging it off as a minor setback and remarking "duty calls", he drives off without fastening his seatbelt and crashes through a fence and a dry stone wall.

Pat dies instantly? Pat gets thrown from the vehicle and lays in agony picking shards of windscreen from his face? End of advert?

No. Miraculously he comes out unscathed, continuing his journey blissfully unaware of how close he came to the grave.

Once in town he stops to collect a sack of mail. Or at least what he thinks is a sack of mail.
Our hapless postman has in actual fact picked up a sack of miscellaneous vegetables. You could understand them looking similar but it's hard to believe his sense of feel could be so out of whack.

In further unrealistic scenes he then posts the vegetables through the Reverend's letterbox.(Defying physics in the process as many of them, namely the pumpkin wouldn't even fit)

How did he know where to post the veg? There were no addresses on them. At this point it becomes clear that vision is the least of his worries. The man has clearly gone nuts.

Last we see of him he passes a Policeman on the beat and follows a road signposted Calais.

Luckily for Pat, his care free attitude towards the chaos is mirrored by the Copper who rather than calling HQ for assistance merely quips "Should of gone to Specsavers Pat"

The ending is left open but i'd like to think he goes missing for a few weeks before washing up on the shores of Calais. Dead.

Make your own mind up.....

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