Thursday 8 September 2011

Waste of time.

Bit gutted at the minute. Just realised i've totally wasted my week off work.

I decided i'd have a bash at writing a comedy.

It followed the lives of a multicultural family living in Birmingham.

To be a bit more specific, a white man and an Asian woman living together with their kids from previous marriages. A recipe for guffaws i'm sure you'll agree. Especially since one of the kids is wheelchair bound with cerebal palsy.

For some reason we hear his thoughts on events at various intervals in the show.

Anyway i got everything sorted and made a first draught of the script, which i then showed to a friend. It was here that my bubble burst however as i was informed that it was "very similar" to an existing Jasper Carrot vehicle from early 2000.

I still can't believe that somebody could have came up with such a programme.

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