Tuesday 17 August 2010

I need to think before i speak.

Today i was approached by an animal rights activist with a clipboard. Moments earlier i'd been collared by some bloke from "love film" and fended him off by saying "don't watch films mate" It felt good.

I was now on a roll. And having clocked these animal rights pests early on i had plenty of time to think up a witty remark for when the inevitable happened. I saw the guy approaching and had decided on my line with plenty of time to spare.

Him: "Hi, i'm from the NSPCC have you got a moment?"

Me: "Sorry mate, i'm into Badger baiting so it'd be hipocrisy for me to donate to you"

at which point i thought - shit NSPCC is a childrens charity - It was too late. I was already being subjected to a look of disgust and confusion.

Me: "Oh wait, i thought you were animals"

There was an awkward pause. I don't know what was going on in my head but for some reason i didn't walk away. Just stood and listened to him bang on about how i wouldn't miss £2 a month and how it could mean saving them from folding in 6 months time. Squirming through his guilt trips.

Need to remember my Mp3 next time i'm out. Nobody bothers you in headphones.

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