Wednesday 1 September 2010

Check it out

I've just came on quick before bed to moan about ASDA's self serve checkouts.

Fucking garbage.

The amount of cranks you see who can't even scan a barcode is ridiculous. It's a common sight to see some slack jawed shithead spinning a loaf of bread round for ages before then giving in and asking for assistance.

The fastlane? You're joking. More like the lane of imbeciles who need to get a grip.

The voice activated slag's craic isn't much better.

I've gone round the supermarket carefully selecting what goes in my trolley yet when i scan an item and put it in the bag. The voice starts giving it "unexpected item in the bagging area" Fuck off. There's nothing unexpected about it. I put it there. I knew it was in the trolley. I saw what it was when i scanned it. Fair enough if i looked in the bag and saw a dildo or a Black Eyed Peas CD. Then yea, That'd be unexpected. But don't for a second tell me you didn't expect me to put that pot noodle multipack in.

I've got shit about the coinstar as well but i'll save that for later.

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