Sunday 5 September 2010

Blog, typing, keyboard, screen

A few months back i was in Whitby and whilst gazing into a shop window noticed a mug in the shape of a football. On most of the panels there was a phrase you would associate with the game. "Throw in, corner, off-side, goal" and more.

After registering this i walked away feeling a mixture of irritation and confusion.

Who designed this mug? Presumably it was aimed at a football fan and therefore wasn't it sufficient that the mug was shaped like a football? These additional phrases are totally redundant. And totally lacking in imagination. "Throw in" nice one. Hardly exciting.....unless it's a Delap.

I frequently think about this mug and have since started to notice that the same design process is applied to allsorts of things.

Our canteen at work has recently been renovated but a paint job just wasn't enough. Someone thought it was essential to print buzz words like "spicy, delicious" etc in a nice font all over the walls. What this adds to the dining experience i don't know. (i tend not to eat in there anyway as it's hard to get an appetite when you're sat next to someone in pjyamas or on a drip)

If this kind of lazy design process is acceptable i think i'm going to get in on it and make my own bathroom tiles. Buzz words will include, "shit, piss & cry"

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