Monday 17 January 2011

Today has been a bit odd.

A large chunk of it was spent under a sort of house arrest as i've been waiting in for a parcel to be delivered. The classic any time between 9-5. Despite having no plans it was a twat not having the freedom to go outside.

Indeed i have a week off work and was torn between spending it productively and just arsing around. It seems now that a mix of both is in occurance.

Turning 25 has been quite an eye opener. I'm running out of time to do things. There are certain songs in my CD collection i probably wont hear ever again. It's the same with films. I've been meaning to start watching the Sopranos, NYPD Blue and The Wire for ages. I haven't seen The Godfather 1,2, & 3, Taxi Driver or Inception despite having them all on DVD. I'm a disgrace and i'll have to start addressing that this week.

I checked my voicemail this evening and there was a message from "Lizzie" asking me to get in touch about casting for Come Dine With Me. I'd buzz my tits off if i got on there.

I think i've blew it already though. The message was left 5 days ago so it's probably too late. Also she'll of heard my crackers answer phone message which i recorded whilst having a shit. Hopefully i can rescue the situation in the morning : /

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