Sunday, 2 May 2010

Giving off the impression that i'm a tit

As you can see i have far too much time on my hands....

I frequently find myself getting the urge to do shite celebrtiy impressions. Mainly when i'm alone in the house or driving or something. I can't explain why but hopefully it's not that weird. It's been happening for a few years and goes in cycles but at the moment i find myself doing a lot of Ozzy Osbourne. Previous celebs include, Michael Caine, Duncan Bannatyne, Gordon Ramsay and possibly my favourite...Alan Sugar (that routine consisted of me repeatedly saying "A total mess....You're fired" in a vaguely aggresive cockney squeak)
I'm well aware that they're shit impressions but that's part of the gag i think.

Hmmm, having watched it back i noticed the lighting isn't great and it kinda looks like one of those videos where you see a rape victim reliving their ordeal or an ex SAS soldier droning on about some mission that you're not supposed to know about. For the record, i am none of these.

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