Sunday 20 June 2010

Happy Fathers Day

Maybe one day i'll be on the receiving end of one of these....

Cheap cards crack me up. Look at that. Some blokes playing Sunday league. How did they make it onto the front of a greeting card? What does it mean?

I wonder if they even know they're on it? Maybe one of them will only find out today. Imagine that. I might have to add "appear on a greeting card" to my list of ambitions. The list so far includes....

*Go to Oktoberfest
*Make Eggs Benedict
*Eat Eggs Bendict

Tragic i know but the Eggs Benedict part will probably be scaled down to merely eating as it's considerably less effort.

Bet you're wondering which rock n' roll Dad compilation CD i bought my "Old man". Well i didn't get him any. Because unlike adverts would have you believe not all Dads are sad air guitar wankers.

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