Wednesday 23 June 2010

RE: Cycling

I recently took advantage of the NHS cycle to work scheme. Not that i'm one of those eco friendly types. I just though a £300 bike for £50 was a good deal. Little did i know i'd also have to trade in my dignity.

Part of the scheme required customers to embark on a cycling lesson. I did mine last night round some scruffy estate. It was particularly embarassing as the sun was out and so the locals were all sat in their front gardens and all too eager to make wisecracks.

The instructor insisted in riding in the middle of the road and so i was also subjected to beeps from cars and foul mouthed tirades. Being a driver though i could totally understand their frustration and felt like a complete anus. To make matters worse i had to wear a hi-vis backpack and massive helmet.

In all honesty i think i'd rather smash my skull into a thousand peices than wear it again.

At £50 though you can't fall off really....but if you do you'll be glad for your helmet.

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