Saturday 5 June 2010

A moral dilemma

At the time of writing i'm 1 hour and 40 minutes away from an embarassing scenario.

My Dad has volunteered to help at some "fun day" for a local childrens hospice. I'm told there'll be all the usual stalls etc including a "beat the goalie" competition. This is where i come in. Apparently the keeper is injured and so i've been guilt tripped into filling in.

I don't really mind helping out. I probably don't do enough for charity. But it's just gonna be a bit embarassing stood about in a footy kit. And with it being local there's bound to be people i know milling about. It's also left me facing a moral dilemma.

Do i let the kids score? Do i let them have their moment of joy? or do i repel everything that comes my way like a heartless football ogre?

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